
Long reads and powerful algorithms identify 'invisible' microbes

Microbes are everywhere—in our guts, on our skin, permeating the environments around us. Studying these microbial communities has delivered tremendous insights into disease and good health, but identifying all the distinct ...

The pivot toward sustainability finance

At the start of the year, it's always a good idea to look around and see what has changed during the previous 12 months. In mid-December, energy consultant Amy Myers Jaffe examined the state of sustainability finance in a ...

Black holes and dark matter—are they one and the same?

Primordial black holes created in the first instants after the Big Bang—tiny ones smaller than the head of a pin and supermassive ones covering billions of miles—may account for all of the dark matter in the universe.

Thar she blows! An expert's guide to whale watching 101

There's no doubt about it, seeing a whale rise from the depths of the ocean is something special. Whether it's the first time you've seen a whale or you've seen many like I have, it's the thrill of hearing and sometimes smelling ...

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