
NASA's Lucy spacecraft ready for first asteroid encounter

NASA's Lucy spacecraft is on track for its first asteroid encounter on Nov. 1. Lucy's optical navigation team has confirmed that the latest trajectory correction maneuver on Sept 29 accurately set the spacecraft on course ...

JWST searches for planets in the Fomalhaut system

The Fomalhaut system is nearby in astronomical terms, and it's also one of the brightest stars in the night sky. That means astronomers have studied it intensely over the years. Now that we have the powerful James Webb Space ...

Want to find life? Compare a planet to its neighbors

With thousands of known exoplanets and tens of thousands likely to be discovered in the coming decades, it could be only a matter of time before we discover a planet with life. The trick is proving it. So far the focus has ...

Did nature have a hand in the formation of the Great Sphinx?

Historians and archaeologists have, over centuries, explored the mysteries behind the Great Sphinx of Giza: What did it originally look like? What was it designed to represent? What was its original name? But less attention ...

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