
Astronomers catch wind rushing out of galaxy

Exploring the influence of galactic winds from a distant galaxy called Makani, UC San Diego's Alison Coil, Rhodes College's David Rupke and a group of collaborators from around the world made a novel discovery. Published ...

Concrete with improved impact endurance for defense structures

Engineers from the Military Studies Center at Far Eastern Federal University (MSC FEFU) developed concrete with improved impact endurance and made of up to 40 percent waste from rice husk cinder, limestone crushing waste ...

Analyzing gut bacteria more accurately to make diagnosis

The microorganisms in our intestines could be linked to certain diseases such as Alzheimer's and diabetes. Researchers from the AD-gut consortium have developed a novel method—combining optical DNA mapping and statistics—for ...

Video: SMOS 10 years in orbit

The ESA's Soil Moisture and Ocean Salinity (SMOS) satellite has been in orbit for a decade. This remarkable satellite has not only exceeded its planned life in orbit, but also surpassed its original scientific goals. It was ...

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