
Concentrated CO2 enables growth spurt in algae

A new technology captures CO2 from ambient air efficiently and inexpensively. Researchers at the University of Twente used the CO2 captured to cultivate algae, but the technology can also be used in a closed cycle to store ...

LHC reaches 2017 targets ahead of schedule

Today, CERN Control Centre operators announced good news, the Large Hadron Collider (LHC) has successfully met its production target for 2017, delivering more than 45 inverse femtobarns to the experiments.

Radioactivity lingers from 1946-1958 nuclear bomb tests

Scientists have found lingering radioactivity in the lagoons of remote Marshall Island atolls in the Pacific Ocean where the United States conducted 66 nuclear weapons tests in the 1940s and 1950s.

Invention generates power, cleans water using untapped source

Rapid, unplanned urbanization is becoming a serious threat across the world, because it puts major stress on critical infrastructure such as water and sewer lines. Building on his team's success in India, Daniel Yeh, PhD, ...

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