
Birds prefer to live in luxury than in poor areas, study finds

A unique study of birdlife in South African cities has found that birds prefer wealthy areas to poorer ones but will move out if things get too cramped. The study was conducted by a team of scientists from the University ...

Flashes on the moon

It happens several times a week. Sometimes it is only short flashes of light that appear on the surface of the moon. Other light phenomena on the Earth's satellite can last longer. And sometimes there are also places that ...

SLAC fires up electron gun for LCLS-II X-ray laser upgrade

Crews at the Department of Energy's SLAC National Accelerator Laboratory have powered up a new electron gun, a key component of the lab's upgrade of its Linac Coherent Light Source (LCLS) X-ray laser, and last night it fired ...

Artificial intelligence, the future of work, and inequality

One of the most spectacular facts of the last two centuries of economic history is the exponential growth in GDP per capita in most of the world. Figure 1 shows the rise (and the difference) in living standards for five countries ...

Rock-solid archives record variations in the Earth's orbit

The shape of Earth's orbit around the sun and the orientation of its axis undergo regular variations over periods of thousands to millions of years. These variations—known as Milankovitch cycles after the Serbian geophysicist ...

What does the public think about corporate responsibility?

What is the public's opinion when it comes to the responsibility of Swiss companies abroad? ETH researchers have investigated this question and are able to show that there is a great deal of support for the so-called Responsible ...

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