
Researchers discover molecule's unusual cell-killing mechanism

Soon after Jake Eaton joined the lab of Stuart Schreiber at the Broad Institute of MIT and Harvard in 2015, the postdoctoral researcher became intrigued by some wild theories being debated by his colleagues. The theories ...

Superfuids may merge via corkscrew mechanism

Scientists at the Florida State University-headquartered National High Magnetic Field Laboratory have made a discovery in fluid dynamics that is truly worth uncorking a bottle of fine wine.

High Altitude Water Cherenkov observatory tests speed of light

New measurements confirm, to the highest energies yet explored, that the laws of physics hold no matter where you are or how fast you're moving. Observations of record-breaking gamma rays prove the robustness of Lorentz Invariance—a ...

Surfing the waves: Electrons break law to go with the flow

If you see people walking down a street and coming to a junction, it's difficult to predict which direction they might take. But, if you see people sitting in separate boats, floating down a stream, and the stream splits ...

Scientists list four key actions to halt global warming

The latest edition of the JRC's Global Energy and Climate Outlook (GECO), identifies four technological dynamics in the energy sector that have the power to limit global warming to below 2°C if implemented simultaneously.

Sequencing the genome of the virus behind COVID-19

Peter Thielen and Tom Mehoke have spent years sequencing the genome of influenza. Now, as a new strain of coronavirus spreads across the globe, these biologists from Johns Hopkins Applied Physics Laboratory are transitioning ...

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