
Cold front: Researchers explore arctic land and sea at Navy ICEX

As the Navy's Ice Exercise (ICEX) 2016 winds to a close this week in the frigid waters of the Arctic Ocean, officials at the Office of Naval Research (ONR) today reported new scientific research that took place during the ...

Snottygobble hacks up propagation mystery

Local researchers have unravelled the germination secrets of WA's strangely-named snottygobble tree (Persoonia longifolia R.Br.), thereby opening the door for the species to help rehabilitate WA's landscape.

Ice wall at Fukushima plant switched on, but will it work?

The operator of Japan's destroyed Fukushima nuclear plant switched on a giant refrigeration system on Thursday to create an unprecedented underground ice wall around its damaged reactors. Radioactive water has been flowing ...

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