
There's a 'super blue blood Moon' on the rise (Update)

Stargazers across large swaths of the globe—from the streets of Los Angeles to the slopes of a smoldering Philippine volcano—had the chance to witness a rare "super blue blood Moon" Wednesday, when Earth's shadow bathed ...

Gasps and awe as supermoon rises over erupting Philippine volcano

Filipinos sheltering from the erupting Mayon volcano gasped in delight as an orange full-moon eclipse shone above the mountain's smouldering crater Wednesday in what was both a once-in-a-lifetime double spectacle and a rare ...

Scientists come up with new process that could improve HD TV

Scientists at Queen's University Belfast have been working as part of an international team to develop a new process, which could lead to a new generation of high-definition (HD), paving the way for brighter, lighter and ...

Are some cultures less trusting than others?

Nobel laureate Kenneth Arrow once described trust as a "lubricant of a social system". Economic exchange, in particular, is virtually impossible without at least some level of trust. While markets, shops and online traders ...

Playing billiards with a laser beam

A research team led by physicists at LMU Munich reports a significant advance in laser-driven particle acceleration. Using tiny plastic beads as targets, they have produced proton bunches that possess unique features, opening ...

Speed of light drops to zero at 'exceptional points'

Light, which travels at a speed of 300,000 km/sec in a vacuum, can be slowed down and even stopped completely by methods that involve trapping the light inside crystals or ultracold clouds of atoms. Now in a new study, researchers ...

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