
Online game theft earns real-world conviction

(AP) -- The amulet and mask were a 13-year-old boy's virtual possessions in an online fantasy game. In the real world, he was beaten and threaten with a knife to give them up.

High-resolution mapping of the 3D organization of chromosomes

In collaboration with researchers from the Weizmann Institute in Israel, a team from the Institut de Génétique Humaine (CNRS, France) has, for the first time, revealed the detailed three-dimensional architecture ...

Scientists build working model of life's engine

(PhysOrg.com) -- Researchers at the University of Southern California have built a theoretical working model of the cellular engine that powers all life.

Sea cucumbers could be key to preserving coral reefs

(PhysOrg.com) -- Tropical sea cucumbers could play a key role in saving coral reefs from the devastating effects of climate change, say scientists at One Tree Island, the University of Sydney's research station on the Great ...

Auditor's report needs significant changes

Every year public companies release a financial statement that includes a report from an auditor. That report provides assurance about the quality of the financial information and is meant to help the company attract investors, ...

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