
The language of rugby inspires world-first study

Rugby union may have one sporting code but Stuart Benson says it has many technical terms that can be misinterpreted by players from different cultural and language backgrounds. As part of his Ph.D. in Linguistics, he has ...

Dielectric metasurfaces for next-generation holograms

Metasurfaces are optically thin metamaterials that can control the wavefront of light completely, although they are primarily used to control the phase of light. In a new report, Adam C. Overvig and colleagues in the departments ...

Globular cluster Terzan 9 investigated with MUSE

Using the Multi Unit Spectroscopic Explorer (MUSE), an international team of astronomers has investigated Terzan 9—one of the most central globular clusters in the Milky Way galaxy. Results of the study, presented in a ...

AI reveals nature of RNA-protein interactions

A new computational tool developed by KAUST scientists uses artificial intelligence (AI) to infer the RNA-binding properties of proteins. The software, called NucleicNet, outperforms other algorithmic models of its kind and ...

Parasite manipulates algal metabolism for its own benefit

Microalgae can form massive assemblages in oceans, attracting many opportunistic organisms; these are capable of eliminating the entire algal population within a short time. However, the underlying mechanisms of this watery ...

Southern California's Getty fire continues to burn

NASA's Terra satellite using the Moderate Resolution Imaging Spectroradiometer (MODIS) instrument aboard captured this image of the Getty fire shortly after it began in the early morning hours of Oct. 28, 2019. Dubbed the ...

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