
Supercomputers improve solar power forecasts

To improve the accuracy of solar power forecasting, research meteorologist Edwin Campos and his colleagues at DOE's Argonne National Laboratory have partnered with IBM to build a forecasting technology based on IBM's Watson ...

Comet ISON goes green

As NASA and the European Space Agency prepare their remote photojournalists – Mars Express, Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter and the Curiosity and Opportunity rovers – to capture photos of Comet ISON's flyby of Mars early ...

New report updates New Zealand's exposure to tsunami

A new report on New Zealand's tsunami hazards shows some parts of the New Zealand coast are exposed to greater tsunami hazard than previously thought, while the hazard in other coastal regions is the same or even less.

Study asks 'does it really matter if God exists?'

A new study published by Professor Klaas Kraay explores value of God's existence. This area of focus is also the crux of a two-year research project funded by one of the largest philosophy grants in Canada.

BISON enables complex nuclear fuel modeling, simulation

It's rare that a chipped nuclear fuel pellet makes its way into a reactor. But if one of the millions of pencil-sized pellets does have a small defect, it can affect the fuel's performance. How exactly these effects evolve ...

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