
France to vote against EU renewal of weedkiller

France will vote against a proposal by the EU Commission to renew the licence for glyphosate, the active ingredient in one of the world's most widely used weedkillers, Monsanto's Roundup, a government source said Wednesday.

Spectroscopy: Simple solution for soil sample

Farmers and gardeners know their soil texture can make a big difference in their success. Different plants have different needs for water, nutrients, and air. When they grow in soil that has the right texture, it is easier ...

NASA shows how Harvey saturated areas in Texas

NASA analyzed the soil moisture in southeastern Texas before and after Harvey made landfall and found the ground was already somewhat saturated. NASA-NOAA's Suomi NPP Satellite provided a night-time look at Harvey after it ...

Leaf sensors can tell farmers when crops need to be watered

Plant-based sensors that measure the thickness and electrical capacitance of leaves show great promise for telling farmers when to activate their irrigation systems, preventing both water waste and parched plants, according ...

Fish food for marine farms harbor antibiotic resistance genes

From isolated caves to ancient permafrost, antibiotic-resistant bacteria and genes for resistance have been showing up in unexpected places. As scientists puzzle over how genes for antibiotic resistance arise in various environments ...

Biosensor could help diagnose illnesses directly in serum

In this age of fast fashion and fast food, people want things immediately. The same holds true when they get sick and want to know what's wrong. But performing rapid, accurate diagnostics on a serum sample without complex ...

NASA sees 14th eastern Pacific Ocean potential tropical cyclone

Potential tropical cyclone 14E of the Eastern Pacific Ocean hurricane season appeared to be coming together off the southwestern coast of Mexico. NASA's Aqua satellite captured temperature data on the storm that is producing ...

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