
Fruit flies fear lion feces

A new doctoral thesis from Lund University in Sweden shows how fruit flies use their sense of smell and humidity to find food, avoid dehydration and discover the best place to lay their eggs—in overripe marula fruits. Faeces ...

Research enhances enzyme that degrades plastic

Since it was discovered, the enzyme known as PETase has drawn a great deal of scientific interest for its capacity of digesting PET (polyethylene terephthalate).

Researchers test FIFA World Cup game balls in the laboratory

The official ball for the 2018 FIFA World Cup in Russia has received Empa's stamp of approval after numerous rigorous tests. Some goalkeepers had been critical of its flight characteristics, but the reason for this may lie ...

Novel hydrogel harnesses air moisture for practical applications

High humidity causes discomfort and makes hot days feel more unbearable. A team of researchers from the National University of Singapore (NUS) has invented a novel gel-like material that not only effectively dehumidifies ...

New insights into the inner clock of the fruit fly

Several months ago, professors Jeffrey Hall, Michael Rosbash and Michael Young received the Nobel Prize for their work on deciphering the mechanisms of the biological clock. Many other scientists around the world are also ...

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