
What your body odour says about you

Smells emanating from you can reveal anything from your health status to your personality or political taste.

How Australian museums regulate the display of human remains

Protesters are urging a boycott of Real Bodies: The Exhibition, which recently opened in Sydney, due to the possibility that the plastinated human bodies and organs on display were taken without consent from executed Chinese ...

Enhanced human body response to implants

UPM researchers have developed a new surface treatment to reduce metallic biomaterial implant rejection. This will extend the prosthesis life and thus increase the quality of life for patients.

Math puzzle goes viral

A University of Huddersfield lecturer has puzzled the world.

600 seismographs listen in on the Alps

600 sensors placed on and around the Alps constitute the largest academic seismographic network in the world. The AlpArray project will enable better understanding of the birth of the Alps as well as homogeneous seismic hazard ...

Positron luminescence outshines that of electrons

In old cathode ray TVs, a picture is generated when an electron beam excites a phosphor screen, causing the phosphor to radiate light. Now in a new study, researchers have found that a beam of positrons (positively charged ...

Genes might play unrecognized role in aging, intervention

While aging is familiar to all of us, exactly how it occurs on a molecular basis has been an area of intense study and interest. We take it for granted that different species age at different rates, yet we do not have a good ...

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