
FDA begins major hiring initiative

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration says it is starting a major hiring initiative designed to fill more than 1,300 public health positions.

Microsoft device helping solve crimes

Microsoft said thousands of U.S. and international police officers are using a special USB thumb drive to gather digital evidence.

Scientists discover new ocean current

Scientists at the Georgia Institute of Technology have discovered a new climate pattern called the North Pacific Gyre Oscillation. This new pattern explains, for the first time, changes in the water that are important in ...

Black hole expelled from its parent galaxy

By an enormous burst of gravitational waves that accompanies the merger of two black holes the newly formed black hole was ejected from its galaxy. This extreme ejection event, which had been predicted by theorists, has now ...

Zebrafish may help solve ringing in vets' ears

Ernest Moore, an audiologist and cell biologist at Northwestern University, developed tinnitus -- a chronic ringing and whooshing sound in his ears -- twenty years ago after serving in the U.S. Army reserves medical corps. ...

Scientists find rings of Jupiter are shaped in shadow

Scientists from the University of Maryland and the Max-Planck Institute for Solar System Research in Germany appear to have solved a long-standing mystery about the cause of anomalies in Jupiter's gossamer rings.

Researchers explain how birds navigate

It has long been known that birds and many other animals including turtles, salamanders and lobsters, use the Earth’s magnetic field to navigate, but the nature of their global positioning systems (GPS) has not been completely ...

GIOVE-B spacecraft in good health

A second test satellite for Galileo, Europe's rival to the US Global Positioning System, is "in good health" despite a hiccup that emerged after it was placed in orbit last Sunday, the European Space Agency said on Wednesday.

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