
How would a nuclear winter impact food production?

The day after lead author Daniel Winstead approved the final proofs for a study to be published in Ambio, the journal of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Russia put its nuclear forces on high alert.

ESA supports Indian lunar and solar missions

In June 2021, ESA and the Indian Space Research Organization (ISRO) signed an agreement to provide technical support to each other, including tracking and communication services to upcoming Indian space missions via ESA's ...

We must fix food systems to tackle climate change

Food and climate change are often treated as separate issues, but conservative estimates suggest that changing the way we produce and consume food could reduce global greenhouse gas emissions by at least 10.3 billion tons ...

Flowers' unseen colors can help ensure pollination, survival

You can't see it, but different substances in the petals of flowers create a "bulls-eye" for pollinating insects, according to a Clemson University scientist whose research sheds light on chemical changes in flowers which ...

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