
A challenging daytime occultation of venus for Europe

Sometimes, the universe seems bent on hiding the most glorious of events right in plain sight. Just a such an event occurs next week, when the slender waning crescent moon occults the planet Venus for observers across Europe, ...

New study to investigate impact of lobbying

Academics at the University of Exeter will investigate how policy is influenced by lobbying in the UK, the USA, the Netherlands and Germany to see which kinds of groups may have unfair access because of their funding, status ...

Assessing levels of biodiversity

Innovative applications of modern taxonomic methods for the discovery and classification of biological species form the core of a new DFG Priority Program, which will be coordinated by LMU botanist Susanne Renner.

57 varieties of tomato

This beautiful berry, domesticated in the Americas more than 2500 years ago, and introduced to the Old World in the 16th century, nowadays forms the basis of a $60 billion worldwide industry. Although first treated with the ...

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