
Ant antennae provide vital ID information, study finds

University of Melbourne scientists have shone a new light into the complexities of ant communication, with the discovery that ants not only pick up information through their antennae, but also use them to convey social signals.

NASA's 'spaceport of the future' reaches another milestone

NASA has completed a major milestone on its journey to Mars and is ready to begin another phase of work on its spaceport of the future, where the next generation of astronauts will launch to Mars and other deep-space destinations.

Apes remember their old friends' voices

Humanity's closest living relative, the bonobo ape, can remember the voices of old friends for several years, just as people can, researchers have shown.

Researchers show fracking's impact to drinking water sources

Only one industry is allowed to inject toxic chemicals into underground sources of drinking water – hydraulic fracturing, or "fracking." Concerns about this practice have riled the U.S. political landscape and communities ...

Researcher links mass extinctions to 'Planet X'

Periodic mass extinctions on Earth, as indicated in the global fossil record, could be linked to a suspected ninth planet, according to research published by a faculty member of the University of Arkansas Department of Mathematical ...

Breeding sugar beets for better resistance to curly top virus

The sugar beet curly top virus could meet its match in new sugar beet varieties derived from KDH13, a germplasm breeding line developed by Agricultural Research Service (ARS) researchers for resistance to the disease-causing ...

Herschel reveals a ribbon of future stars

Star formation is taking place all around us. The Milky Way is laced with clouds of dust and gas that could become the nursery of the next generation of stars. Thanks to ESA's Herschel space observatory, we can now look inside ...

Foxconn agrees to buy Japan's Sharp Corp. at reduced price

The Taiwanese company that assembles Apple's iPhones agreed Wednesday to buy control of financially struggling Sharp Corp. for $3.5 billion in the first takeover of a major Japanese electronics producer by a foreign company.

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