
The faint glow of cosmic hydrogen

A study published recently in Nature has revealed the presence of a hitherto undetected component of the universe—large masses of gas surrounding distant galaxies. An international team from some 10 scientific institutions ...

Amazon bets big on Europe as it takes on Netflix

Amazon is firing a new salvo in its global battle with Netflix for the booming online streaming market—and it features Julia Roberts and descendants of Russia's tsars.

Revolutionary ultra-thin 'meta-lens' enables full-color imaging

Light of different colors travels at different speeds in different materials and structures. This is why we see white light split into its constituent colors after refracting through a prism, a phenomenon called dispersion. ...

No more Iron Man—submarines now have soft, robotic arms

The human arm can perform a wide range of extremely delicate and coordinated movements, from turning a key in a lock to gently stroking a puppy's fur. The robotic "arms" on underwater research submarines, however, are hard, ...

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