
Land cover 2010

This global land-cover map was created using data from the Envisat mission for the 2010 epoch (2008–12).

Birds colour-match their interior designs

Researchers at the University of St Andrews have produced the first experimental evidence that birds actively select nest-building materials that camouflage their nests: published today in influential ornithological journal ...

Crumpled graphene could provide an unconventional energy storage

When someone crumples a sheet of paper, that usually means it's about to be thrown away. But researchers have now found that crumpling a piece of graphene "paper"—a material formed by bonding together layers of the two-dimensional ...

Alexander Gerst set for spacewalk

ESA astronaut Alexander Gerst has spent four months in the relative safety of the International Space Station but on Tuesday he will venture into open space with NASA astronaut Reid Wiseman on a seven-hour spacewalk.

Underwater landslide doubled size of 2011 Japanese tsunami

(Phys.org) —An ocean engineer at the University of Rhode Island has found that a massive underwater landslide, combined with the 9.0 earthquake, was responsible for triggering the deadly tsunami that struck Japan in March ...

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