
Unravelling the ancient stories hidden in DNA

Scientists have discovered that the genomes of marine invertebrates have been surprisingly stable across deep time. Published in Science Advances, this new study provides an overarching analysis of distantly related animal ...

Svalbard's Arctic heritage is threatened by climate change

Cultural heritage sites are irreplaceable sources of historical information, providing insight into the social, religious, and economic life of our ancestors. They are important markers of identity, and constitute attractions ...

Racial justice protests influenced local news reporting

A new study from the Media, Inequality and Change Center (MIC) examines how large-scale activism and heightened public discourse around systemic racism and police brutality influenced local reporting on policing in 2020. ...

Scientists uncover 'missing' plastics deep in the ocean

About 51 trillion microplastics are floating in the surface waters of oceans around the world. Originating from various types of plastics, these tiny fragments (less than 5 millimeters in length) pollute natural ecosystems. ...

New discovery of ice age fossils in Devon

Fossils of extinct species, including mammoth, rhinoceros and wolf, have been discovered in a Devon cave by a team of archaeologists, including an academic from Royal Holloway, University of London.

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