
Samsung to provide 3D TVs to Britain's Virgin Media

South Korea's Samsung Electronics, the world's largest maker of flat-screen TVs, on Wednesday announced a partnership with Virgin Media to expand its presence in Britain's 3D television market.

Hepatitis C virus faces new weapon

In recent human trials for a promising new class of drug designed to target the hepatitis C virus (HCV) without shutting down the immune system, some of the HCV strains being treated exhibited signs of drug resistance.

New invention saves energy, health, climate

A new Danish invention could cut energy use in buildings by 25 percent by creating a better indoor climate. The "CleanAir" invention was recently patented by a researcher in atmospheric chemistry at the University of Copenhagen. ...

Milky way sidelined in galactic tug of war

(PhysOrg.com) -- The Magellanic Stream is an arc of hydrogen gas spanning more than 100 degrees of the sky as it trails behind the Milky Way's neighbor galaxies, the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds. Our home galaxy, the ...

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