
Testing the performance of semiconductors—with light

Semiconductors are the cornerstone of modern electronics. They're used in solar cells, light emitting diodes (LEDs), microprocessors in laptops and cell phones, and more. Most of them are made of silicon, but silicon has ...

Cats found to like humans more than thought

(Phys.org)—A trio of researchers with Oregon State University and Monmouth University has conducted experiments with cats, and has found that they appear to like humans more than expected. In their paper published in the ...

Thousands of images of frozen bacteria

How do bacteria sense and adapt to their environment? Ariane Briegel, Professor of Ultrastructural Biology, is intrigued by this question. Using new techniques, she produces three-dimensional images of bacteria that provide ...

Secrecy obligation for the digital piggy bank

"Do you collect bonus points?" This question is part of daily purchasing routine. More than 80% of German households participate in bonus programs. They run the risk of disclosing sensitive information about themselves, if ...

Focusing on grains, researchers solve a mystery of rivers' flow

Taking a simpler approach to a complex problem, Yale researchers have an answer for why large grains move more easily than smaller ones when driven by fluid flow along a riverbed—a question that has confounded scientists ...

Motherhood is full of challenges—even for bird supermoms

Motherhood is full of challenges. Mums need to look after not only themselves but also their offspring: mothers make sure the young have good food, healthy and develop well, and they need to shelter the young from harsh environment, ...

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