
Legos and origami inspire next-generation materials

Inspired by the fun of playing with Legos, an international team of researchers from Tianjin University of Technology and Harvard University have used the idea of assembling building-blocks to make the promise of next-generation ...

Creating waterproof concrete

Water is concrete's ultimate enemy. Although concrete withstands constant beatings from cars and trucks, water can break it down, pooling on its surface and infiltrating the tiniest cracks. Add freezing and thawing cycles, ...

Google Translate app now unblocked in China

Google on Wednesday made available in China a new version of its translation app that is accessible without censor-evading software, a move likely to fuel speculation that the internet giant was mending fences with Beijing.

Imperial instrument ready to study the sun

Imperial's contribution to the Solar Orbiter mission, which will go closer to the sun than anything so far, is ready to fly after extensive testing.

Researchers control soft robots using magnetic fields

A team of engineering researchers has made a fundamental advance in controlling so-called soft robots, using magnetic fields to remotely manipulate microparticle chains embedded in soft robotic devices. The researchers have ...

Cubic photometer makes light in a room visible

Light determines how we see the world. Take a golf ball: we can see the shine on it, make out the structure or even perceive it as a flat disk because in a certain light we cannot see any shadow. Knowledge of light and how ...

How non-muscle cells find the strength to move

Researchers from the Mechanobiology Institute, Singapore (MBI) at the National University of Singapore have described, for the first time, the ordered arrangement of myosin-II filaments in actin cables of non-muscle cells. ...

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