
Invasive vegetation stoking fierce Bogota fires

Forest fires which have engulfed Bogota in smoke over the past week have been fueled by highly flammable foreign plant species that have invaded Colombia's capital, experts say.

Lopsided galaxies shed light on the speed of dark matter

In new research published in Astronomy & Astrophysics, researchers have figured out how to precisely calculate the forces that affect galaxies in tidal cycles. The next stage is to find galaxies sufficiently lopsided in the ...

Researchers explore how fractures nucleate, propagate and stop

Here's a moment that almost everyone has experienced—you drop your phone screen down on a hard surface and hear the telltale crunch. The screen is cracked but you don't know how bad. You pick up the phone and survey the ...

Enzyme for biocatalysis uses solvent as a substrate

A large number of applications in the chemical industry rely on the molecules NADH or NADPH as fuel. A team led by Professor Dirk Tischler, head of the Microbial Biotechnology working group at Ruhr University Bochum, used ...

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