
Resin film for stretchable electronics

Panasonic Corporation announced today that the company has developed a soft, flexible, and stretchable polymer resin film using its proprietary stretchable resin technology. The Company will also provide a transparent electrode ...

Fire threatens Christmas kisses

Fire really is the Christmas grinch for WA mistletoe, with researchers discovering flames are the ultimate kiss of death for the festive plant.

Scientific spotlight identifies threat to unique shrubs

The first comprehensive study of two shrub species from the Euphorbiaceae family, which only occur near Ravensthorpe, suggests the plant's limited range may one day lead to its extinction if land clearing in the region continues.

Frictional heat dehydrates magma

In contrast to the conventional view, new findings demonstrate that frictional heat in rising magma can drive outgassing of water vapor, which contributes to the dehydration of molten magma – and reduces the pressure in ...

Magnetic fields in powerful radio jets

Super-massive black holes at the centers of galaxies can spawn tremendous bipolar jets when matter in the vicinity forms a hot, accreting disk around the black hole. The rapidly moving charged particles in the jets radiate ...

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