
ESA seeking dust-proof materials for lunar return

When humans return to the moon, they'll have formidable challenge lying in wait: lunar dust. The talcum-like lunar regolith is considered the biggest operational problem facing moon colonists. Within a few days of dust exposure, ...

How a company's consistent earnings can get a CEO fired

When a corporation's earnings are steady, its board of directors is more likely to fire their CEO after a bad earnings period, according to new research from the University at Buffalo School of Management.

New materials help expand volumetric 3-D printing

Researchers at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory (LLNL) have adapted a new class of materials for their groundbreaking volumetric 3-D printing method that produces objects nearly instantly, greatly expanding the range ...

First-ever evidence of exotic particles in cobalt monosilicide

Anew study provides the first evidence of exotic particles, known as fourfold topological quasiparticles, in the metallic alloy cobalt monosilicide. Published in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, this comprehensive ...

Fertilization threatens grassland stability

Fertilization is a major threat to the stability of grasslands at the local and larger spatial scale. That is the conclusion of a large international research group, led by researchers from Utrecht University.

High-resolution lithography for nanoporous thin films

Researchers at KU Leuven (Belgium) developed a high-resolution lithography process to pattern metal-organic framework (MOF) films. This work, published in Nature Materials, will speed up the integration of these materials ...

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