
X-rays uncover gut of 320-million-year-old-animal

The inner workings of a tiny fossil have been studied using X-ray microscopy, revealing evidence of the digestive system for the first time. Researchers from the University of Bristol, Appalachian State University, the University ...

Mammoths might have declined due to mineral starvation

At the end of the Pleistocene, mammoths of Northern Eurasia used to experience chronic mineral hunger. They became extinct due to geochemical stress arising from deep abiotic changes in ecosystems. Most likely, they were ...

A basis for all cryptography

"Indistinguishability obfuscation" is a powerful concept that would yield provably secure versions of every cryptographic system we've ever developed and all those we've been unable to develop. But nobody knows how to put ...

Researchers develop solution for deep-space communication

The international UNISONO project, which is coordinated by VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, has developed a communication solution that can allow orbiting space station to maintain uninterrupted contact with robots ...

The world's fastest nanoscale photonics switch

An international team of researchers from Lomonosov Moscow State University and the Australian National University in Canberra created an ultrafast all-optical switch on silicon nanostructures. This device may become a platform ...

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