
Shining X-ray light on perovskites for better solar cells

Named after a mineral discovered in the Ural Mountains of Russia, perovskites have taken center stage as a class of materials with properties that could be applied to future electronics and energy devices.

Levitating 2-D semiconductors for better performance

Atomically thin 2-D semiconductors have been drawing attention for their superior physical properties over silicon semiconductors; nevertheless, they are not the most appealing materials due to their structural instability ...

Infrared sensor serves as a new tool for drug discovery

Scientists have found a new method for analysing how active agents affect a specific protein essential for cell survival. Their research could help to quickly develop drugs with fewer side effects.

Underwater robot tracks toxic algae in Lake Erie

Microcystin is a nasty toxin that can cause skin reactions, stomach problems, and even liver damage. It's produced by a tiny blue-green alga (cyanobacteria) called Microcystis, which multiplies like crazy in warm, nutrient-rich ...

Semantic cache for AI-enabled image analysis

The availability of high-resolution, inexpensive sensors has exponentially increased the amount of data being produced, which could overwhelm the existing Internet. This has led to the need for computing capacity to process ...

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