
Jupiter had growth disorders

Researchers of the Universities of Bern and Zürich and of ETH Zürich show how Jupiter was formed. Data collected from meteorites had indicated that the growth of the giant planet was delayed for 2 million years. Now, the ...

Can microswimmers swim through gel?

Researchers from Tokyo Metropolitan University have studied how microswimmers, like bacteria or sperm, swim through fluids with both solid and liquid-like properties, e.g., gels. They found that subtle changes in a swimmer's ...

Facebook move on Myanmar raises thorny political questions

Facebook's ban of Myanmar's military leaders marks a new step for the leading social network against state "actors"—and raises thorny questions on how the company deals with repressive regimes using the platform.

Startup delivers groceries in self-driving cars

Startup AutoX on Monday announced the Silicon Valley debut of a service that will turn self-driving cars into mobile grocery shops summoned with a touch of a smartphone application.

Google's search tool to help job-seeking veterans

A new Google search tool will allow service members transitioning to civilian life to include their military occupational specialty code to find jobs that match their skills.

Brussels gripped by lobbying war over copyright law

It has been dubbed one of the most brutal lobbying wars in Brussels history, pitting media firms and Paul McCartney on one side against Big Tech and internet freedom denizens on the other.

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