
Mars Odyssey Orbiter is back in service

(Phys.org) -- NASA's Mars Odyssey orbiter has resumed its science observations and its role as a Mars rover's relay, thanks to a spare part that had been waiting 11 years to be put to use.

Image: Atlantis replica gets processed

(Phys.org) -- In Orbiter Processing Facility-1 at NASA’s Kennedy Space Center in Florida, technicians sitting on the Hyster forklift monitor the progress as technicians in the aft portion of space shuttle Atlantis connect ...

Looking for the elevator? There's an app for that

(Phys.org) -- GPS has been a tremendously successful technology for positioning users in outdoor environments. But attaining GPS-like accuracy indoors has eluded telecommunication researchers for years.

Peering into protein dynamics

Young collaborators at Spallation Neutron Source chemistry lab prep proteins to take neutrons.

Study: Hawkmoths use humidity to sense nectar

(Phys.org) -- People assume that a flower's scent, color and shape attract insects to settle on a flower to sip nectar and, thereby, pollinate the plant. But new research shows that a more relevant sensory apparatus may help ...

3Qs: Hot, hot heat

A record-​​breaking heat wave hit the East Coast last week, fol­lowed by a spate of rain and thun­der­storms. Northeastern University news office asked Auroop Gan­guly, an asso­ciate pro­fessor ...

Thermal scout finds trouble at solar plants

(Phys.org) -- At a 20-megawatt concentrating solar power (CSP) plant, some 10,000 mirrors reflect sunlight onto 10,000 receiver tubes, each of which must operate efficiently to get the maximum impact from the sun.

Urgent need for climate change adaptation in Lake Eyre region

(Phys.org) -- The first stage of University of Adelaide research released today shows that South Australia's Arabunna country, which includes Lake Eyre in the far north, is likely to get both drier and hotter in decades to ...

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