
Image: ATV docking ring

The docking ring used by ESA's Automated Transfer Vehicle cargo spacecraft for five missions to the International Space Station is displayed in the laboratory corridor of ESA's technical heart in the Netherlands.

Getting light in shape with metamaterials

Converting light from one wavelength (or "color") to a shorter wavelength, a process needed for efficient communication and advanced manufacturing, is typically inefficient. To tackle that inefficiency, a team built a specialized, ...

The hot attraction of gold

Gold had long been considered a non-magnetic metal. But researchers at Tohoku University recently discovered that gold can in fact be magnetized by applying heat.

New study reveals where MH370 debris more likely to be found

A team of researchers in Italy has used the location of confirmed debris from MH370 to determine where the airliner might have crashed, and where further debris could be found. The study is published today (27 July) in Natural ...

Moving beyond semiconductors for next-generation electric switches

Computers use switches to perform calculations. A complex film with "quantum wells"—regions that allow electron motion in only two dimensions—can be used to make efficient switches for high-speed computers. For the first ...

How atmostpheric dust affects photovoltaic output

A hazy sky and dirty cars are well-known consequences of Saharan dust carried to Europe by air currents. As part of the "PerduS" project, the German Weather Service (DWD), the Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT) and meteocontrol ...

New catalyst for hydrogen production

With the aid of platinum catalysts, it is possible to efficiently produce hydrogen. However, this metal is rare and expensive. Researchers have discovered an alternative that is just as good, but less costly.

How do pesticides protect crops?

New research published today could lead to the fine-tuning of pesticide formulations to further increase crop yield. The findings also show a way to develop advanced performance formulations which will interact reversibly ...

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