
Forging new paths in particle physics

Everything we see around us is made up of elementary particles, the building blocks of matter. We know that protons and neutrons are made up of particles called quarks and that electrons are important building blocks for ...

Key early steps in gene expression captured in real time

On scales too small for our eyes to see, the business of life happens through the making of proteins, which impart to our cells both structure and function. Cellular proteins get their marching orders from genetic instructions ...

Iron deficiency delays flowering of arabidopsis under long days

Iron (Fe) is an essential micronutrient for plant growth and development, and participates in many biological processes. Fe deficiency was shown to delay flowering time which influences the quantity and quality of the progenies ...

Tiny tools point to specialist skills of ancient Indonesians

New research has questioned theories that a mysterious group of hunter-gatherers from Indonesia interacted with Aboriginal Australians thousands of years ago and provides a basis for future understanding of the people who ...

Juno returns to 'Clyde's Spot' on Jupiter

During its 33rd low pass over the cloud tops of Jupiter on April 15, 2021, NASA's Juno spacecraft captured the intriguing evolution of a feature in the giant planet's atmosphere known as "Clyde's Spot."

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