
Lead levels in urban soil are declining but hotspots persist

Decades after federal bans ended widespread use of lead in paint and gasoline, some urban soils still contain levels of the highly toxic metal that exceed federal safety guidelines for children, a Duke University study finds.

Recovering drugs from sewers could reduce harm to wildlife

Common medicines that have passed through patients' bodies are ending up in the environment, but the threat many of them pose to wildlife and human health still needs to be determined. It may even be possible to recover some ...

Resilience of fisheries following Tohoku tsunami

A small Japanese fishing community devastated by the great east japan earthquake and tsunami of 2011 managed to recover from the disaster through cooperative community activity despite the propensity for individualist-competitive ...

Zero-carbon energy from seawater now a step closer

Researchers at McGill University have demonstrated a technique that could enable the production of robust, high-performance membranes to harness an abundant source of renewable energy.

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