
Introduced species overlooked in biodiversity reporting

Nature is intimately connected with human well-being of current and future generations – which is why an array of reports track the state of biodiversity and predict the impact of our way of life on its evolution. These ...

How automation will make oil rigs safer

Offshore oil rigs can be extremely dangerous places to work. Over the last few decades, several offshore explosions have led to environmental disasters and the death of workers. Regulations have so far failed to stop fatal ...

Bright future for solar cell technology

New all-inorganic perovskite solar cells tackle three key challenges in solar cell technology: efficiency, stability, and cost.

Cave ecologist sheds light on subterranean species

As a cave ecologist, Dr. Matthew Niemiller is a frequent visitor to the dark, damp caves of the Southeastern U.S., where he chases millipedes, beetles, and other diminutive creatures through tight spaces. Hours spent breathing ...

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