
New way to measure racism among youth

A new tool has been developed to formally evaluate the effectiveness of anti-racism programs among Australian youth. 

DARPA seeks non-thermal approaches to thin-film deposition

When the Department of Defense (DoD) wants to build a jet engine, it doesn’t put a team of engineers in a hangar with a block of metal and some chisels.  Jet engines are made up of individual components that are ...

Better explanations for marketing performance

The foremost challenge in marketing research today is to understand how companies should allocate limited resources as well as the type of returns that can be expected from marketing investments. A better understanding of ...

'Ridiculously' dim bevy of stars found beyond Milky Way

(Phys.org) -- A team of American, Canadian and Chilean astronomers have stumbled onto a remarkably faint cluster of stars orbiting the Milky Way that puts out as much light as only 120 modest Sun-like stars. The tiny cluster, ...

Finding a new Earth: Holy grail of astronomy

(Phys.org) -- Determining the habitability of rocky, Earth-like planets in the universe will be crucial for us as a species, according to scientists from The Australian National University.

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