
Dogs share food with other dogs even in complex situations

Humans aren't the only species to exhibit behaviour benefiting others of their kind, such as helping or sharing. Dogs also share their food, albeit mainly with four-legged friends rather than strangers. A new study conducted ...

Tax-return delay could hurt low-income families, study says

Millions of low- and moderate-income Americans who claim certain tax credits will have to wait weeks longer than usual this year for their federal income tax refunds because of a new law aimed at reducing fraud.

Toward a practical nuclear pendulum

Researchers from Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet (LMU) Munich have, for the first time, measured the lifetime of an excited state in the nucleus of an unstable element. This is a major step toward a nuclear clock that could ...

Millions of tweets analyzed to measure perceived trustworthiness

By scanning 66 million tweets linked to nearly 1,400 real-world events, Georgia Institute of Technology researchers have built a language model that identifies words and phrases that lead to strong or weak perceived levels ...

Small but mighty—fruit fly muscles

Fruit flies are capable of impressive aerial maneuvers, as is grudgingly acknowledged by anyone who has unsuccessfully tried to swat away one of the familiar kitchen pests. Interestingly, the flies perform these nimble evasive ...

The future of genome editing and how it will be regulated

A new technology called CRISPR is making international headlines as a monumental leap in genetic engineering. CRISPR, an acronym for "clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats," is a genome-editing technology ...

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