
Researchers list reasons not to lick a toad

As human diseases become alarmingly antibiotic resistant, identification of new pharmaceuticals is critical. The cane toad and other members of the Bufonidae family produce substances widely used in traditional folk medicine, ...

Nanoparticles hitchhiking their way along strands of hair

In shampoo ads, hair always looks like a shiny, smooth surface. But for physicists peering into microscopes, the hair surface looks much more rugged, as it is made of saw-tooth, ratchet-like scales. In a new theoretical study ...

Sunken logs serve as habitats in the deep sea

The deep sea is a vast and seemingly uninhabitable place, except for some small oases of life. Sunken wood logs, so-called wood falls, can form such oases and provide for rich life for limited periods. A new study by researchers ...

Managing organic waste in agricultural regions

Wisconsin is known as America's dairyland—more than one third of all the cows in America live on some-3,000 farms in the state. Those bovine residents contribute to a thriving dairy industry, but milk is not the only thing ...

A farewell to Plutoshine

Sometimes, its not the eye candy aspect of the image, but what it represents. A recent image of Pluto's large moon Charon courtesy of New Horizons depicting what could only be termed 'Plutoshine' caught our eye. Looking like ...

Fossils of giant pterosaurs found in Transylvania

(Phys.org)—A pair of researchers in the U.K. has identified fossils found in the Transylvania area in Romania as those of a pterosaur they have named Hatzegopteryx—a giant, muscle-bound flying reptile that could eat prey ...

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