
Imagine if technology could read and react to our emotions

Computers have always been good at doing fast calculations, but adapting to the emotional state of the person using the computer – now there is a grand challenge! The field is called affective computing, and soon it will ...

SDO sees a dark filament circle

A dark, almost circular filament broke away from the sun in a gauzy, feathery swirl, on Nov. 15, 2015, in this video from NASA's Solar Dynamics Observatory. This filament eruption was followed by a second filament breaking ...

Tiny amoebas could play a big role in climate

For the first time, researchers at EPFL and the WSL investigate how the fate of tiny algae-harboring amoebas that live in peatlands could reinforce global warming.

Commonwealth seeking strong solutions on climate change

Commonwealth foreign ministers hunkered down for talks in Malta on Thursday as the organisation moved towards clinching climate change deals that could pave the way for next week's UN environment summit.

Japan announces $10.6 billion in climate financing for 2020

Gearing up for global warming talks in Paris next week, Japan said Thursday it plans to provide 1.3 trillion yen ($10.6 billion) in climate financing a year for developing countries from 2020, including public and private ...

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