
How to prepare for a trip to space

Aleksandra Stankovic is an aerospace psychologist and spaceflight biomedical researcher who studies how to optimize human performance and behavioral health in extreme operational environments. In this article, she describes ...

A decision-support tool gives second life to food waste

European scientists, companies and clusters developed a decision-support tool that identifies what residues from food production can be recycled and how. The software supports a decision-making process that is not only based ...

Image: Readying a little rover

An engineer prepares a small rover for testing in a thermal vacuum chamber on Oct. 24, 2023, at NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory in Southern California.

Digital terrain models zero in on Martian surface

Picture soaring over a rugged canyon on another world, strapped into an imaginary hang glider. Or getting a bird's eye view of craters that stretch on for miles and following along the same paths as the robotic rovers that ...

The intricate mechanisms of epigenetic silencing

Epigenetic silencing, which involves the suppression of gene activity, is a fascinating and increasingly influential branch of biological sciences. It allows cells to remember and maintain specific gene expression patterns ...

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