
Evolutionary model predicts partitioning of molecules within cells

,Researchers from the Max Planck Institute for Dynamics and Self-Organization (MPI-DS) in Göttingen, Germany, and Delft University of Technology, the Netherlands, have developed a new theoretical method to study mixtures ...

The glass ceiling phenomenon in the US and EU labor markets

The "glass ceiling" is a metaphor for the barriers facing women and various minorities in the workplace when they strive for promotion or other improvements in their career. Research published in the International Journal ...

Why is populism on the rise?

A recent Washington Post article commenting on Marine Le Pen's candidacy in the recent French Presidential elections stated that: "Populism has a French accent this month," belying the accepted wisdom that populism has become ...

Do we care enough about COVID?

The COVID-19 pandemic has already generated its own mythology. In Britain, they talk of the "myth of the blitz"—the idea of a society that pulled together in the second world war to withstand the bombs dropped by the Luftwaffe ...

Why the Dutch keep holding to the image of Black Pete

Analogous to Santa Klaus in the West, every December, the saint Sinterklaas brings gifts to the good children in the Netherlands. However, the latter is not assisted by a Christmas elf, but by what appears as a 'devilish' ...

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