
Europe asks price of Mars rover

The European Space Agency has asked Cannes, France, satellite manufacturer Thales Alenia Space to quote a price on the construction of a Mars rover.

Researchers create search engine to hunt molecules online

ChemxSeer, the first publicly available search engine designed specifically for chemical formulae, can sort out when "He" refers to helium and not a person more than nine times out of 10, according to the Penn State College ...

NASA Gives 'Go' for Shuttle Endeavour Launch on Aug. 7

On Thursday, NASA managers set Aug. 7 as the official launch date for space shuttle Endeavour's STS-118 mission to the International Space Station. Liftoff from NASA's Kennedy Space Center, Fla., is scheduled for 7:02 p.m. ...

Researchers find key to messenger RNA control

Researchers at McGill University have successfully used a class of tiny nucleic acids called microRNAs to control messenger RNA, one of the major gene regulators in life, outside the confines of a living cell for the first ...

Hidden order found in a quantum spin liquid

An international team, including scientists from the London Centre for Nanotechnology, has detected a hidden magnetic “quantum order” that extends over chains of 100 atoms in a ceramic without classical magnetism. The ...

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