
Improved sensors help navigate gravity waves

Efforts to detect gravitational waves—which were first predicted by Albert Einstein nearly 100 years ago—are advancing with international researchers including UWA researchers boosting the sensitivity of wave detectors.

The ashes of Mt. St. Helens

The massive eruption of Mt. St. Helens 35 years ago is one of the largest ever seen in North America. LMU volcanologists now report a retrospective analysis of salts leached from the ash deposited by the volcano on that occasion.

Understanding the oscillations of magnetic white dwarfs

Researchers at the Paris-Saclay "Astrophysics, Instrumentation, Modelling" laboratory (AIM – CNRS/CEA/Université Paris Diderot), of the CEA's Military Applications Division (DAM) and from the Universe and Theories Laboratory ...

Students' designs give prosthetics a new look

A project by Kansas State University interior architecture & product design students is giving individuals with prosthetic limbs a chance to add some personality to their prosthetic and show the students that their discipline ...

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