
Who are the top Tweeters? UCF grads created tracking site

When actor Ashton Kutcher and CNN were racing last month to see who could amass 1 million followers first on Twitter, many people tracked the race at Twitterholic.com, a site started as a joke by two Florida Web developers. ...

Scientists find city rats are loyal to their 'hoods'

In the rat race of life, one thing is certain: there's no place like home. Now, a study just released in Molecular Ecology finds the same is true for rats. Although inner city rodents appear to roam freely, most form distinct ...

Most efficient spectrograph to shoot the Southern skies

ESO's Very Large Telescope, Europe's flagship facility for ground-based astronomy, has been equipped with the first of its second generation instruments: X-shooter. It can record the entire spectrum of a celestial object ...

Global CEOs back greenhouse gas cuts, carbon caps

(AP) -- A global summit of business leaders urged governments to order steep and mandatory cuts in greenhouse gases Tuesday, favoring a cap-and-trade system instead of a tax to set a market price for carbon waste.

Apple iPhone to Receive Some Upgrades

(PhysOrg.com) -- The Apple iPhone is one of the most versatile smart phones around today and it's about to get better. The news of what the next generation iPhone will be like is traveling fast.

What is the function of lymph nodes?

If we imagine our immune system to be a police force for our bodies, then previous work has suggested that the Lymph nodes would be the best candidate structures within the body to act as police stations - the regions in ...

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