
Artificial bio-inspired membranes for water filtration

Access to clean drinking water is considered to be one of the main challenges of the 21st Century, and scientists have just opened a path to new filtration processes. Inspired by cellular proteins, they have developed membranes ...

Worried about your Facebook data?

Last weekend, the New York Times revealed that data analytics firm Cambridge Analytica misused data from as many as 50 million Facebook profiles to aid messaging tied to the Trump campaign in the 2016 presidential election.

Research sheds new light on improving rice yields

Light is essential for plant growth but getting the right amount for crops out in the field at the mercy of the climate is very difficult, now plant scientists have found a way to tackle this with the help of a protein that ...

Chance is a factor in the survival of species

In a major study, biologists at Lund University in Sweden have studied the role of chance in whether a species survives or dies out locally. One possible consequence according to the researchers, is that although conservation ...

A model for optimising the use of local trains

The University of Seville has participated in a project dedicated to optimising both planning and transport systems. David Canca (University of Seville) and Eva Barrena (University Pablo de Olavide) led the study in which ...

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