
Black hole seeds missing in cosmic garden

In the vast garden of the universe, the heaviest black holes grew from seeds. Nourished by the gas and dust they consumed, or by merging with other dense objects, these seeds grew in size and heft to form the centers of galaxies, ...

Video: Astronaut's climate message

Astronauts on the International Space Station have a unique and incredible view of Earth. However, they also see its fragility and the impact we as humans have on the world around us.

Nanocatalyst makes heavy work of formic acid

Hydrogen occurs in nature as H2 molecules; however when deuterium isotopes—so called "heavy hydrogen"—are introduced, the result can be deuterium hydride (HD) or deuterium gas (D2). These compounds are useful starting ...

Image: Glowing solar cell

A solar cell is being turned into a light source by running electric current through it. Such 'luminescence' testing is performed routinely in ESA's Solar Generator Laboratory, employed to detect cell defects—such as the ...

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