
Equality's effect on environmentalism

New research led by Victoria University of Wellington shows people who favour hierarchy and inequality in society are less likely to be pro-environmental.

ESA and Chinese astronauts train together

ESA astronauts Samantha Cristoforetti and Matthias Maurer joined 16 Chinese astronauts earlier this month for nine days of sea survival training off China's coastal city of Yantai. The ultimate goal is for ESA to establish ...

Human stem cell defenses activated by irradiation, study finds

Researchers from several Russian institutes, including MIPT, have found out how prolonged exposure to ionizing radiation affects human stem cells. They discovered that it causes a cell cycle delay, which leads to faster repairs ...

Study reveals mechanisms of fighting pathogenic viruses

Researchers of the KFU Omics Lab have succeeded in deciphering a Phi29-family virus genome. Junior researcher Raihan Shah Mahmud of Kazan Federal University says, "There is an immense number of viruses in nature, hundreds ...

Scientists test a microalgal technology for wastewater treatment

Members of the University of Turku, with participation of their colleagues at the Faculty of Biology of the Lomonosov Moscow State University, have proved that under Nordic conditions, wastewater could be treated with the ...

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