
Chemists explore outer regions of periodic table

A little known—and difficult to obtain—element on the fringes of the periodic table is broadening our fundamental understanding of chemistry. In the latest edition of the journal Science, Florida State University Professor ...

Electron microscopy reveals how vitamin A enters the cell

Using a new, lightning-fast camera paired with an electron microscope, Columbia University Medical Center (CUMC) scientists have captured images of one of the smallest proteins in our cells to be "seen" with a microscope.

Typhoon Lionrock's intensification seen by NASA's GPM

Typhoon Lionrock's rainfall rates and cloud heights were analyzed as it continued to intensify when the Global Precipitation Measurement mission or GPM core satellite passed overhead.

Stormy outlook hits French wine output

Fierce storms which hit France in April will help to push wine production down almost 10 percent this year, the ministry of agriculture said Thursday.

Rosetta captures comet outburst

In unprecedented observations made earlier this year, Rosetta unexpectedly captured a dramatic comet outburst that may have been triggered by a landslide.

Moon is key to when jellyfish hit beach, study finds

Swimmers wanting to avoid being stung by jellyfish may want to watch the sky as much as the sea after Israeli researchers found a link between their arrival and the phase of the moon.

Successful recycling: Protein quality control in the cell

A team led by MDC researcher Annika Weber has pinpointed the efficient mechanism used by cells to label faulty proteins. The findings, which provide important insights into the functioning of protein quality control in the ...

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