
Modeling sunlight harvesting in nanostructures

To create the next generation of solar panels and other light-driven devices, scientists must model how complex interactions occur. Modeling across different scales, from individual atoms to very large systems with thousands ...

Direct-marketing farms have double the regional impact

Sacramento-area farmers and ranchers who sell their products directly to consumers generate twice as much regional economic impact per dollar of output as do area food producers who don't engage in direct marketing, reports ...

Video: Making for Mercury

The ESA-JAXA BepiColombo mission to Mercury must withstand extremely harsh conditions while in orbit around the innermost planet of our Solar System: temperatures in excess of 450 C, high ultraviolet and electron and proton ...

Filling knowledge gaps to sustain future forestry

Sustaining the growing demand for wood products and other forest services is becoming increasingly difficult due to the likes of climate change, pests and diseases affecting European forests. The TREES4FUTURE project brought ...

Image: Meandering moon feature

This strangely meandering channel, carved on the Moon, is one of the most famous features on our nearest celestial neighbour. It shot to fame in July 1971 when the two astronauts of Apollo 15 drove their lunar rover to its ...

How big is Jupiter's Great Red Spot?

When we used to do the Virtual Star Party (and I really need to start those up again, they were super fun), I had the worst luck with Jupiter's Great Red Spot. Whenever Jupiter was in the sky, the Great Red Spot always eluded ...

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