
Nano-notch sends self-assembling polymers into a spiral

A simple circular or hexagonal pit written into silicon can be used to generate self-assembling polymer spirals thanks to the addition of a tiny notch in the template, report scientists in the launch issue of Nano Futures.

New CERN results show novel phenomena in proton collisions

In a paper published today in Nature Physics , the ALICE collaboration reports that proton collisions sometimes present similar patterns to those observed in the collisions of heavy nuclei. This behaviour was spotted through ...

Research shows global warming making oceans more toxic

Climate change is predicted to cause a series of maladies for world oceans including heating up, acidification, and the loss of oxygen. A newly published study published online in the April 24 edition of the Proceedings ...

The initial collision between Indian and Asian continental

The vast Tibetan Plateau, with high altitude and intense uplift, is like a holy land for Earth science researchers. It has earned a reputation as "the third pole of the world," relative to the Arctic Pole and Antarctic Pole. ...

Scientists create new system of concrete building structures

Professor Andrey Ponomarev of Peter the Great Saint-Petersburg Polytechnic University and graduate student Alexander Rassokhin have developed several types of building blocks for construction based on nanostructured high-strength ...

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